Philippe Mihailovich

HAUTeLUXE, tomorrow's luxury

Haute Haggling: Sign of our times

Here’s a tip from Ahdi Al-Hunaif from Kuwait fist posted on smallworld.net:

“I walked in a very high end watch store, and bought a $25,000 Audemars Piguet watch for $15,000.. you know how? cos I haggled.. nowadays are the bad days, people need cash, if they can sell with getting the money they invested, they will go for it, research the luxury item you want, look for the lowest price on the net, and walk in the store with that amount on your hand in cash, throw it on the table, more times than not, they will take it.. even with a very very small marginal profit, or breaking even, they will take it.. I know it’s not fair, but it is one of the few times the consumer has the upper hand, especially in luxury stores..”
